Aoi Blink is a side scrolling platform game based on a popular Japanese animated series originally created by Tezuka Osamu. The player takes control of a young boy named Kakeru, and his journey takes him through five long stages, each one made up of numerous sub-levels. However, the boy is not alone in his quest, and other playable characters will help him throughout the game. They greatly vary in function of the visited areas and include the cute princess Kirara, a sailor and two gangsters (who can be all seen on the game's cover art). The goal of the game is to retrieve red keys cleverly hidden somewhere in each area. Once Kakeru finds this particular item, he can then unlock the door that leads to the area's boss. Although these large and ferocious foes typically provide a serious challenge, the magical blue pony Blink won't hesitate to jump into battle and help his best friend defeat these powerful adversaries. Many of the levels are vast and other keys are often hidden along the way, allowing the player to access all the zones and sub-sections within the game. Additionally the level structure is far from linear and features countless secret shortcuts and hidden passageways. Power-ups can also be collected from defeated enemies and range from Bombs, Speed-ups, Health and Blue Keys (used to open chests) - hidden special pots are also scattered throughout the game and contain secret items.
TRIVIA Released on April 27, 1990 in Japan for 6200 Yen.
Aoi Blink was a Japanese animated series originally aired in 1989, and directed by Tezuka Osamu - who is better known (at least in the west) for creating series such as Tetsuwan Atomu (Astro Boy). The original tale tells the story of a young kid named Kakeru and his meeting with a mystical blue pony called Blink (Aoi means 'blue' in Japanese). After saving him, an unlikely friendship begins between the two and the mysterious pony agrees to help Kakeru forever. But shortly after this, Kakeru's father (a story writer) is kidnaped and the young boy decides to look for him with the help of his new friend Blink. They later meet Princess Kirara, a Sailor called Tanba and two thieves (Nitch and Satch).
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