Insertion of ATS 5 (Austrian Schilling coin) yields 1 credit. For 1 credit a player receives 500 points. At each question a player can bet 100, 500 or all points. If a question is answered correctly, the bet is added to the points. If a player reaches more than 2500 points after 5 questions, he gets bonus questions. The game is over after an incorrect answer.
TRIVIA The first ROM revision was released in April 1990, even if there's no copyright year or creator on the title screen. The game was released only in Austria.
UPDATES The ROMs from April and November 1990 contained the A, B or C type questions, chosen by joystick pushed vertically and confirmed by pushing to the right. The latest Rom (from December 1990) has the answers chosen with a 4-way joystick.
The game is in German (Austrian variant). The high language proficiency is a necessity in this quiz game. Only the 'high score' frame is in English.
All the questions in normal game are preceded by a bet (unless the 'Game with betting' switch is set to OFF). You can bet 100; 500 or all the points you have. Betting just 100 points is a safe move (when 'Show question in bet stage' dip switch is set to OFF by the operator), but you'll not reach a bonus round (2500 points are required to enter that round).
The game is over when you either don't reach the bonus round (by losing all points after placing a full score bet or with no more than 2400 points) or answer any question incorrectly in the bonus round (first wrong answer ends the game there). You'll also end the game when you run out of time after placing a full score bet.
The game is timed: you have to choose the question category within a few seconds. No reaction will cause the game to accept the decision highlighted with the joystick. The timer in the bonus round is faster while progressing the questions - the farther question you reach, the less time you have to answer. The timer will be that fast you'll not manage to read the question, leading to a game over.
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Fun World Quiz
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Fun World Quiz (German, 27-04-1990)
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